Chronic Ailment Screening
Chronic Ailment Screening
Chronic diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Asthma, Eczema, Autoimmune Diseases have their root causes. Treating the root causes of the diseases and not just the symptoms is the mainstay of our practice. Treating the root cause can prevent disease progression.
Individual Approach
Why Choose Us
Personalized treatment
Every individual is unique thus advice on healthy living is also unique for the individual. We provide personalized advice and treatment for optimal outcome.
Qualified Doctor
Our doctor is fully registered with the Malaysian Medical Council and is a certified Nutrigenomic practitioner. She also has vast experience in management of non communicable chronic ailments.
Quality & Safety
We provide professional advice regarding the safe methods of preventing and treating medical and health related ailments
Medical Privacy
We strictly comply to the medical ethics in maintaining utmost medical and data privacy .